be your happiness
A very many years ago, basking in the flattery of creating a profile on Facebook, responding to all prompts about ME and MY life and MY friends and MY opinions, I entered as my religion: "Tree. Pretty tree." Later, I realized it really wasn't a bad answer. It's a simple, vague reference to a deep and clear inner expanse of peacefulness that I can't describe.
Every once in a while I like to sprinkle a little nonsense between the incredible, mysterious, life-altering teachings that help me along my path. My dad once had a joke book about Zen Buddhism and my favorite punch line had something to do with an ice cream koan. (Groannn.) Sometimes I just want to scoop ice cream koans and enjoy something a little goofy, a little awkward, enough to jolt me out of my rational mindset for a sec and create space for breath and life and peace and calm.
Thanks, I couldn't have said it better.