along the path

Iris Cushman

Thinking, feeling, breathing... most days

The beginning

What do you do when you're ready for an adventure to end, and yet there's nowhere to go "back" to? When do you finally realize that as things are constantly changing they have eventually morphed into something where there is no "going back"? I suppose there is never a goi...

Clicking forward

The work I leave behind has a lot of nice ideas but I was never fully satisfied with the surfaces I produced. As for the old website, it took only a gleeful flurry of clicks to delete everything. How deliciously simple. Some of what I liked especially well: My new w...


Monday. In my head. Sorting, planning, brainstorming, grabbing at sensible choices and loosening my grip in an exhausting cycle. I'm unfocused and unproductive, off schedule from a visit with family. I sense that getting art accomplished will set everything else into pla...

Unexpected opportunities

During my recent time in Bloomington, Indiana, I had an opportunity to choreograph a dance for Windfall Dancers. Abstractly speaking, it seemed fun-- why not, as long as it doesn't conflict with my busy schedule? As June approached, the idea became something real, an oppo...


Aix en Provence, France, a few years ago: When I see this mischievous face and coyly flopping paws, I think he might be a distant relative of my silly dog, Vladimir. I'm completely enchanted by the playfulness of these lions! They are eight in total, perched on two fount...

Early afternoon mystery

Below the shouting of joyful birds, I lean my ear toward the grass, surprised. The sound is delicate but distinct, of Rice Crispies giggling and cackling in milk. I stay for several minutes, trying to conjure the scene in my mind's eye: the sun pressure-cooking morning de...


I remember a desire to build my own violin when I was a small child. It was while I was drawing the scroll on a block of wood and feeling a tickle of recognition that my imagination might not be enough to compensate for lack of actual ability that I suddenly and deeply un...

As a blinking statue

People watching/ me watching/ bird watching. A stilled vision by the river flowing, flowing, flowing sound into my ears. Continuing to the next set of birds or returning to the last set of birds or staying, still. Each time as a blinking statue, feeling a deep connectio...

be your happiness

A very many years ago, basking in the flattery of creating a profile on Facebook, responding to all prompts about ME and MY life and MY friends and MY opinions, I entered as my religion: "Tree. Pretty tree." Later, I realized it really wasn't a bad answer. It's a simple, ...


As an adult I've always held a curiously hostile attitude toward my sketchbooks. It takes an overwhelming compulsion to draw in order to push past my utter reluctance to do so-- and I actually really like drawing! Recently I've been cultivating a healthy attitude toward m...